Swimming is one of the most important skills in life which every child should learn to prevent any water related mishap. Swimming is not just a fun pastime but it is an activity that helps to strengthen muscles, develop endurance and boosts self-esteem of the children. This is because Singapore is an island, and therefore, people here learn to swim with water surrounding them all their lives. 

However, there are some aspects that are not so good, for instance, public pools are most of the times crowded, hence, less quality time for kids learning. One of the disadvantages of group lessons is that teachers are forced to spend most of their time teaching many kids at once even if individual attention is necessary. This is why private lessons prove to be very helpful in ensuring that children acquire good swimming skills. 

Personalized 1-On-1 Coaching

The greatest advantage of private swimming classes is the kind of attention individual children are able to get. Due to the one on one sessions applied in these activities, the coach is able to pay much attention on the child as well as be much more sensitive to the child's needs. It means that the parts that are not well developed can be trained vigorously without the group losing its pace. Efficient training for the superior swimmer is another aspect of the high end lesson plan preparing them to reach their maximum potential.

In my opinion, children are receptive to that which is taught in a manner that makes them the center stage. This is because private classes enable the coach to set a tone that is flexible to the child's capability and understanding level. For instance, if a student has a fear of water, the instructors reassure the child by introducing water in a gradual manner while engaging in play. It is through such difficult exercises, therefore, that the confident swimmers can be taught.

This includes stroke development and training of other techniques such as combinations.  

Swimming strokes require professional help and consistent practice to enhance one's ability to perform the movements effectively. More specifically, students in group lessons may receive only short individual instructions. While teaching, one child in particular is focused on improving their stroke skills, dependent on private lessons only.

At the end of the lesson, the coach observes their swimming movements. Problems such as weak and unsuitable arm pull, incorrect kicking, wrong body position among them can be corrected instantly. Players receive practical information on how to improve stroke efficiency depending on their type. Whether it is learning how to swim with correct technique in butterfly stroke or synchonising the movements in front crawl – they are taught it in chunked manner.  

Moving Over the Barriers: Conquering Fear, Gaining Confidence

Most beginners especially the young ones have try and dip their face in the water they end up panicking . This limits their swimming ability unless they do away with this shortcoming. What really works well is through summer tutorials where teachers bear with the kid and at the same time introduce and teach them the joy of swimming while at the same time teaching them safety measures.

Since 1-on-1 coaching is less competitive and less overwhelming for children then they can easily learn and even if they take more time to learn then no problem there is no one to compete with them. Teachers ensure students are at ease when it comes to floating, gliding and paddling for this is done with fun accessories and pool games. This self-confidence is slowly developed as trainers gently assist the individuals in the skills. Also, private lessons enhance parents' confidence concerning their kid's safety near swimming pools.

Faster Skill Development

Unlike group lessons that may require the kid to share attention of the instructor they learn swimming prowess much faster in private lessons. This way, they receive more effective teaching and get observed and corrected on aspects that need improvement. The instruction is given step by step depending on the pace that is most helpful to the particular child.

Any time mistakes with hand gestures or kicking technique are made, instructors quickly intervene to adjust the mistakes. This stops children from continuing on practicing bad techniques which if persisted with will be very difficult to correct later. Through the observation made at the scene, there is evident improvement in skills of the kids within few weeks of offering private lessons motivating them through out by the coaches.

Pursue Education on Basic Survival and Self Protection

Aside from the stroke techniques, the kids learn other fundamental swimming skills during the private lessons especially regarding water safety and survival. While having 1-on-1 lessons, the skills needed to protect lives are constructed most effectively. Some safety skills coaches teach are:Some safety skills coaches teach are:

  • Treading water
  • Surface diving 
  • Floating face-up 
  • Exhaling underwater
  • Entering/exiting pools properly  
  • Recognizing tiredness 
  • Calling out loud to get the attention of other people

All these skills, in conjunction with swim endurance, equip kids with the ability to recover on their own if by any chance they found themselves in water. It is advisable for children to learn these lessons early enough since it will decrease the chances of children drowning. Apart from this, private lessons enable instructors to assess whether kids can apply the skills before the end of the day.

Overcome Special Needs Barriers

It will be very useful for children with as disabilities as autism spectrum disorder, ADHD or Down Syndrome to attend private swimming lessons. To them, some of the conditions that present challenges in group lessons such as loud noise, crowds and strict directives may not be suitable for them. This is due to the fact that these things have a negative impact on their progress in swimming. 

According to the overall concept of early intervention, teachers apply soft behaviorism guiding each child and offering individual lessons. For example, they might illustrate things through pictures, demonstrate, play games with the kids and even use repetitions on the autistic kids. Learning to swim is important for children with special needs as well because the private lessons are uniquely tailored for the swimmer, and by implementing fun and engaging individualized instruction strategies, disabled children can learn to swim at Splash Swim School.

Schedule Flexibility

Group classes are more structured, and they have flexibilities of time which may not be friendly for every family. Another task may take the whole day or a part of it, and the child is denied the chance to learn because they have to attend a lesson. Personal swimming lessons are flexible in terms of time as trainers train depending on the time the clients have to offer. 

Preparation of lessons can be done on a weekend, after work or during school holidays when there are fewer people in the pool. It also makes for better development for a child as there are no interruptions that slow progress. It also saves the time of parents who do not allow the children to run back and forth in order to meet a certain timing.

Access to Elite Instructors 

Not only does swimming become increasingly popular in Singapore, but there are now top quality swimming coaches. Some of these elite instructors have worked as trainers for the national athletes, Olympians and competitive swimmers. In relation to knowledge, coaching practice and experience, the expertise of the team is outstanding.

Instead of assistant coaches, kids can get lessons directly from such experts with focus solely on them in their personal classes. Another advantage of personal lessons is that they manage to learn something about the technique of performance at its best, which is difficult to grasp as part of a group class. Access like this helps them make a tremendous amount of progress in swimming in a short duration of time.

Parent Engagement and Updates

Unlike observing children feature in group lessons and other coaching sessions for a few moments, private coaching involves parents as well. They can sit by the pool bar and watch their child in the process of learning. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved as they are directed by the instructors. For example, they explain to parents how they can make the child to point his or her toes or maintain a level head.

Coaches also to parents give feedback to the child at certain intervals regarding areas that have been done well and areas that require practice. Combined they can encourage children who are less competent in some aspects of swimming styles. This assists in the process of developing proper skills even in occasions other than class time leading to well-rounded competencies.

Bonding Experience

Individual lessons give swimming the form of a fun learning activity for the parent-child relationship. Families get into the pool engaging in different activities as one directs the other while having fun. Just the presence of a parent walking around is comforting to the child who may be shy and needs the boost to try out some skills.  

These are the things that create bonds that are beyond just enrolling children to a group class in a family. Tutoring also becomes so special that parents educate this lesson by offering one-on-one sessions to kids. It also promotes responsible supervision especially at pools.


Of course, joint lessons have some benefits, but individual lessons are more effective, especially for kids. They are able to learn better from individual attention given based on the reaction of the person and the time they take to grasp new concepts. They also aid children in achieving great skills and safety measures in a short time and time again with confidence in waters. The parents are also more involved in private lessons and creating something that is enriching for the child. In the end, swimming is not only a necessity but a process of developing achievement motivation.